Fluval Aqua Plus Review: Safely Water Change Aquarium

Fluval Aqua Plus is a comprehensive aquarium water conditioner you’ll ever need to help neutralize and eliminate traces of chlorine, chloramine and other metal toxins present in tap water that can be potentially harmful to your fish, shrimps, snails and beneficial bacteria living in your aquarium.

An all-natural water conditioner like the Fluval Aqua Plus can be used in both fresh water and salt water aquarium setup. Making the Fluval Aqua Plus a must have product in the aquarium hobby to help every aquarist safely change aquarium water.

Fluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner

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Using the Fluval Aqua Plus together with Fluval Cycle Biological Enhancer and Fluval Biological Aquarium Cleaner makes the aquarium hobby a lot easier.

Here is a total aquarium water care product offered only by Fluval to help you get closer in achieving the ideal natural safe living conditions in nature loved by your fish and aquarium plants in a tank ecosystem.

Fluval Aqua Plus Features:

  • All-natural conditioner neutralizes metal toxins, chlorine and chloramine found in tap water.
  • Herbal extracts reduce fish stress caused from transportation, handling and acclimatization.
  • Coats delicate scales and fins to protect against minor abrasions.
  • Use when performing water changes, setting up a new tank, transporting fish and healing wounds.
  • For use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

How to Easily Use Fluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner

Fluval Aqua Plus Back Label Instruction

According to Fluval official website, Fluval Aqua Plus recommended use is applying the product to the replacement water before adding it to the tank. You can dose for the amount of water you want to change, but there is no consequence when dosing a little bit more.

Simple Instructions:

  • Shake well before using.
  • To make tap water safe: Add 5ml per 40 litres.
  • For complete protection for scales and fins: Add 10ml per 40 litres.
  • Use the measuring cup coming with the bottle.

When added, it can instantly neutralize chlorine, chloramine, and other harmful metals when mixed well with the replacement water keeping every fish safe.

Aside from just using this water care product to routine aquarium water change. Fluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner also has a unique herbal extract formula that provides a calming effect on existing fish and use it too when introducing new fish to your aquarium.

You can also use Fluval Aqua Plus to transport fish, and it contains an effective colloid compound to help protect injured fish with fin, scale and skin damage to assist in healing faster by preventing infection.

When it comes to nitrogen cycling a newly setup tank. Fluval Aqua Plus with Fluval Cycle Biological Enhancer and Fluval Biological Aquarium Cleaner will make the cycling process easier for the beneficial bacteria to thrive on your new aquarium.

Continuously use the Fluval water care products until the awaited time comes of introducing fish into your newly nitrogen cycled aquarium.


  • Effective to use for both fresh and salt water aquariums.
  • Has herbal extract to reduce stress in fish.
  • Protect injured fish by preventing infection.
  • Easy measured application using the measuring cup.


  • A bit pricey when compared to other aquarium water conditioner to buy in the market.

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How to Safely Water Change an Aquarium

Aquarium water changing is something an aquarist has to do religiously on a week or in two weeks basis to help keep a healthy living conditions for the fish, shrimp, snail and plants.

An aquarium hobbyist knows every aquarium is unique. Which means, each requires a different way of servicing and maintaining them.

Factors like size of the tank, filtration used, how often do you feed the fish, is it a planted tank or not, is it a fresh or salt water aquarium, number, size and type of fish on the tank etc. will surely affect how often do you need to water change.

For example, a small 10 gallon tank with 10 platy fish would really need a regular weekly water change because it has less volume of water that can easily get dirty due to the number of fish producing fish waste and including uneaten fish food.

This is to compare a 20 or 30 gallon tank with more water volume on the same number of platy fish as of the 10 gallon example.

You can skip to water change a 20 to 30 gallon tank for a week, but still your 20 to 30 gallon tank with 10 platy fish like the 10 gallon example would more likely to remain okay.

However, even that is the case on our example, many and including yours truly would really suggest it is best to do a water change on a weekly basis irregardless of the size of the aquarium and number of fish living on the aquarium. You will get more peace of mind and satisfaction knowing you did a water change that week.

Based on experience back in the Philippines, I have a number of aquarium to take of.

I have one planted low tech 20 gallon aquarium, one 15 gallon planted aquarium, two 5 gallon aquarium with guppy grass, fifteen 8x8x8 size betta tank for show and around fifty 6 litres plastic containers with betta fish and guppy grass as well.

It takes a lot of labour to water change them all in a day.

So what I do is. I water change all of my betta tanks including the 6 litres plastic containers everyday by removing and refilling a cup of water on each in a day.

It is easier to do it that way and for me not to forget a single small tank to water change.

For the rest of my aquarium, the 20, 15 and 5 gallon tanks. I water change all of them 2 times a week.

20% water change during Sunday and 20% water change on Thursday plus adding aquarium fertilizer. Total of 40% water changing in a week.

Again, I do find it is easier to service my other aquarium this way and personally believe it is much safer to water change an aquarium in little volume of water to avoid sudden parameter and temperature change.

I did said earlier that was before in the Philippines. But now my son and I are here based in the UK.

We have a Fluval 34L 9 US gallon aquarium with 3 adult platy fish and around 7 platy fry living on our aquarium. We take care of it on the same 2 times a week water change routine using Fluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner.

  • 20% water change 2 times in a week = 40% water change in a weekly basis.

After I remove the amount of water to be replaced on the tank. I use Fluval Aqua Plus by directly applying the product into my tank first, before adding the replacement tap water.

So far no fish had died and they’re all completely safe on the way I water change.

Final Take

Overall, the Fluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner despite it is not cheaply priced as other water conditioner available in the market is no doubt a great product to use on every new and seasoned tank that needs a regular weekly water change.

It is a complete water conditioner not only to use in neutralizing chlorine, chloramine and other metals on tap water that are harmful to fish, but with added benefits that aquarium fish will love.